It is Our Job to Help You

About M & M Staffing Agency
Our Mission
We are committed to provide our candidates a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and
personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of
M & M Staffing Agency.
Above all, candidates will be provided the same concern, respect and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every M & M Staffing Agency client.
Our process
Using a special and more in-depth interview process, we will find out what you are looking for and what roles will specifically suit you.
From there, we will work within our network and openings to find a position (when applicable) for you.
The process is in place to ensure that your placement will be long lived.
Our obligation
M & M Staffing Agency goes beyond a duty to treat employees respectfully, to pay them fairly and provide good working conditions. Our company has a moral obligation to protect the reputation and financial well being of our clients and candidates. We will make business decisions in a manner that demonstrates concern for and seeks to advance the welfare of our candidates. As a headhunter we will find talented people that would be the best to work for our clients.